You can check the fastest route and required time on Google map.
This is a bus that Kuju Town operates to secure transportation for local residents.
Fares/One-way flat line Adults 500 yen Elementary school students 250 yen Preschoolers free (half price for people with disabilities)
Please see the site for route maps and timetables.
Due to the heavy rain that occurred in July 2020, there is no connection between Hita and Mukainohara on the Kudai Main Line.
◆Please see here for guidance on alternate buses in the event of a disaster
Kokonoe is a town of nature and hot spring. This town is at the foot of Kuju-renzan (a range of mountain) which is called the roof of Kyusyu. In Kokonoe, you can enjoy the brilliantchange of the seasons in Kokone. According to"Kujusanki(the old literature about Kuju)", You can enjoy "black in spring, blue in summer, red in fall, white in winter" here.
Tadewara marsh is located in the north side of Kujurenzan. Since it is one of the largest marsh in the mountain area in Japan, it is registered under the Ramsar Convention.
Makinoto-toge is located in the highest point (elevation: 1,333m) of Yamanami highway that leads from Beppu to Aso and it is also the starting point of the mountain trail of Kuju-san.
Komatsu-jigoku is a place where a hot steam and lurid hot gray mud brow up from the ground. The unique color sticks to the rock produces atmosphere of the hell. There is Hacchobarugeothermal plant near there and you can have free tour of the plant and the museum (60 minutes).
Ryumon-no-taki , the two steps waterfall, at height of 20m and width of 40m, is one of the famous waterfalls in Japan. This waterfall is falling down along the rock face made of Anzangan. In summer, many people enjoy waterfall sliding and this is poem of summer in this area.
Please check out the other attractive sightseeing spots!Kokonoe-machi Sightseeing PR Video (14”30)
Managemant center for KOKONOE “YUME” OTSURIHASHI
1208, Tano, Oaza, Kokonoe-machi, Kusu-gun, Oita, 879-4911, TEL +81 973 (73) 3800
© 2007 KOKONOE YUME OTURIHASHI All Rights Reserved.